HomeHome LoanEverything You Need to Know about Home Loan Repayment

Everything You Need to Know about Home Loan Repayment

If there’s one thing you’ve constantly heard as an Indian, it’s the advice you get to buy a home as soon as possible. This is because owning real estate is one of the most preferred assets you can have in your financial portfolio.

This has put a lot of pressure on many Indians. However, not everyone can afford to buy a house, especially with the increase in housing prices. The latest statistics from the National Housing Bank show that residential real estate prices have increased up to 22% in 33 cities.

Now, there are several factors you need to consider before you apply for a home loan, like your repayments for the foreseeable future. Not only will this help you make an informed decision, but it will also help you plan your budget efficiently. Applying for a home loan is a long-term commitment, hence it is pivotal that you plan.

Luckily for you, we have curated a guide about home loan repayments and everything you need to know about it.

Home Loan Repayment Process

To get started, let’s assume you have taken a home loan of Rs.30 lakh in March 2019. This is for 20 years with an interest of 8.25% p.a. and a 1% processing fee. Your monthly EMI will be calculated at an annualized rate, which amounts to Rs.25,562.

Check out the loan amortization table below for a detailed look into your home loan.

Year The principal amount paid (Rs.) Interest paid (Rs.) Outstanding loan balance (Rs.)
2019 50,925 2,04,694 29,49,075
2020 65,899 2,40,845 28,83,175
2021 71,546 2,35,197 28,11,628
2022 77,677 2,29,067 27,33,950
2023 84,334 2,22,409 26,49,616
2024 91,561 2,15,183 25,58,054
2025 99,407 2,07,337 24,58,647
2026 1,07,927 1,98,817 23,50,722
2027 1,17,173 1,89,571 22,33,548
2028 1,27,213 1,79,529 21,06,333
2029 1,38,116 1,68,628 19,68,217
2030 1,49,951 1,56,792 18,18,265
2031 1,62,802 1,43,942 16,55,464
2031 1,76,753 1,29,991 14,78,712
2033 1,91,899 1,14,845 12,86,813
2034 2,08,344 98,400 10,78,471
2035 2,26,195 80,548 8,52,275
2036 2,45,580 61,164 6,06,696
2037 2,66,622 40,121 3,40,072
2038 2,89,470 17,274 50,601
2039 50,601 523 0

* Do note that these calculations do not factor in the increase in interest rates or inflation.

As you can see, the interest you pay is high for the first few years and then decreases towards the end of your tenure. Repayments towards your principal amount, on the other hand, start low at the beginning of your tenure and pick up rapidly towards the end.

Different Ways You Can Clear Your Home Loan

Managing a home loan can be a financial burden, especially if the amount you have borrowed is relatively higher. Now, there are some repayment strategies you can try to reduce the interest amount and clear your loan faster. Let’s take a look at them below:

1. Pay Higher EMIs

You can choose to pay higher EMIs, which will reduce the interest amount significantly. Most of your payments will be directed to your principal amount and you’ll find it easier to close the loan faster.

2. Opt for Partial Prepayment

If you’ve suddenly come into money, you can consider opting for a partial prepayment. Alternatively, you can also dip into your savings. Depending on your loan provider, you may be charged prepayment fees. However, most lenders currently do not charge a fee if you use your funds to repay the loan. Clearing a substantial amount will lower the principal amount as well as the interest levied on your loan.

3. Choose a Shorter Tenure

If you’re eligible for a shorter tenure and can afford it, you can always pick this option. However, it’s important to consider your monthly income and other aspects before you settle for a shorter tenure. Your monthly payments may be extremely high and you must ensure it doesn’t affect your day-to-day life and expenses. However, a shorter tenure means you’ll pay lesser interest.

Also Read: Home Loan Interest Rates in India

How to Plan Your Home Loan Repayments?

There’s a reason your home loan EMI is restricted to a certain amount. Your lender takes into account several factors—your monthly income, your employment, your other sources of income, your growth prospects, and more.

More often than not, your EMI amounts to 30% to 40% of your income. This is to ensure you have enough financial breathing space to take care of your daily expenses, investments, and any other unexpected emergencies.

Here, is how to calculate repayment

Here’s an example of how lenders could calculate your repayment capacity. First, they’ll set aside 20% to 25% of your income for your monthly expenditure. Another 20% to 25% will be considered for emergencies or any investments you have. Then, there’s another 10% that’s considered for other loan or credit repayments you have. The odd 40% to 50% you’re left with will go towards your home loan repayment, thus determining your eligibility.

To ensure you don’t experience too much financial strain during this period, it’s advised to plan your repayments carefully.

You can start by planning your budget, taking into account your monthly as well as yearly expenses. This should include your rent, food, and other basic necessary expenses. Then, set aside a certain amount for your savings and any existing debt you have to clear. You should also have an emergency fund, in case of medical issues or as backup to pay your EMIs in case you face issues with your employment.

What you’re left with should ideally go towards your home loan EMIs. Have a word with your lender and make sure this amount doesn’t exceed 40% of your monthly income.

Taking a home loan is a huge commitment and responsibility. Make sure you do your research, check the options available in the market, and apply for one with the best features. You should also share a good relationship with your lender, which can make the repayment process much easier. At the end of the day, you should be able to control your home loan EMIs without any struggle.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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