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Money Saving Tips to Help You Get The Most Out Of Each Dollar

These money-saving tips come from different sources. Some of that I realized myself from, being a stay-at-home dad for the last 5 years. Some from a book by Stacy Johnson called Life or Debt some from a course about financial freedom I took a few years ago and some from Atlanta Braves Hat. I hope they help you.

The most important thing to remember is that all of the money-saving tips in the world will not do you any good if you are not willing to change your attitude about your money.

If I can educate and inspire just one of you to face and take control of their finances, I will be successful. Now on to the important stuff. Here are some more money-saving tips:

10 Best Money Saving Tips

1. Keep Track of What you’re Spending

Use a notebook and write down what you are spending as you are spending it. It might help you to pinpoint some areas where you could be overspending. It also might stop you from making unnecessary purchases. If you are taking the time to write it down, you might also think twice about it. Make a point of asking yourself if it’s a need or a want.

2. Set Goals and Make a Budget

Stop living just for this week or this month, plan. Treat your household like a business. Successful businesses plan for today and tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to apply your savvy business acumen to negotiating your household bills either.

Successful businesses frequently use sites like Utility Bidder to ensure that they get competitive rates on utility bills and are not paying over the odds, so you can do the same thing by comparing different energy providers at home.

3. Make your Budget a Family Affair

Make sure your spouse and your children know the financial situation. Many times as parents we don’t like to say no to our children because we want them to have a better life than we had. We don’t always give our children enough credit.

Explaining to them that you have to make some temporary cutbacks and that you can’t afford to buy them as many things as you used to, could prevent many of the fights and tantrums there would be if things changed without any explanations.

4. Check the Prices on your Banking Services and then Shop Around

With so much competition, many banks have done away with per-check fees and minimum balance requirements. If you use your ATM card frequently, make sure that the bank has plenty of ATMS available, and find out about all of the fees involved. Call around to credit unions and see if they will accept you, they usually offer lower rates on loans and higher rates on savings.

5. Make your Shopping List Ahead of Time

Whether you are going to the supermarket or the hardware store, it will cut down on impulse buys, especially if you make a conscious decision to stick to your lists.

6. Use Coupons

Sunday’s newspapers are full of coupons and many major supermarket chains have coupons that you can print online. Just enter coupons or free coupons into your favorite search engine and you should be able to get coupons for most of your shopping needs, and find some on there instead!

7. Don’t Go to the Supermarket Hungry

You usually spend more when you do. Try to shop only once a week, more trips to the supermarket provide more chances for impulse spending.

8. Pay Attention While the Cashier is Checking you Out

Those scanners are not perfect, sometimes not all of the sale items ring up for the prices they should. If you are busy packing your order when the cashier is checking you out, check your receipt when you get home and make notes on the wrong items. Get your refund the next time you go back if there were errors.

9. If It’s Possible Try to Get a Babysitter and Leave the Kids at Home When you Shop

If will prevent you from making impulse buys the the kids might cajole you into. My son is so quick sometimes that I don’t even realize how many extra things he put in my cart until I’m checking out.

10. Join a Warehouse Club with a Friend or Relative

Split the cost of membership. Get together once a month and go shopping there. I know from experience that many of the items come in quantities that are more than most people need, but the price is so good it’s hard to pass up. So figure out your bulk shopping needs together, split the bill then go home and split up the packages.

Also Read: How to save money on personal finance

All money saving tips above are the ones that have worked best for me. I hope they work for you too. Try them, you have nothing to lose, and much to gain. Why not keep more of your money if you can? All it takes is the right attitude, and a conscious decision to pay more attention to how you are spending. It works, try it.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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