HomeMutual FundTypes of Mutual Funds Based on Market Capitalization

Types of Mutual Funds Based on Market Capitalization

Market capitalization is a popular way of categorizing mutual funds. Equity mutual funds can be classified into large, mid-cap, and small-cap funds based on their investment objective. Market capitalization or market cap is calculated by multiplying the price of one share of a company at the prevailing market price with the shares outstanding. Market cap gives a fair idea about the size of the company.

As an example, a company that has 3 crore shares outstanding with each share priced at Rs. 100 will have a market cap of Rs. 300 crore. Investors need to understand the difference between several market capitalizations because investing in a company of a specific size is associated with unique opportunities and risks.

Mutual Funds Based on Market Capitalization

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), to bring uniformity to the mutual fund sphere, has defined large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap as:

  1. Large Cap: Large-cap stocks belong to companies, that range from 1st to 100th in terms of full market capitalization, which takes into account shares held by promoters, insiders, or the government for calculation of market cap.
  2. Mid Cap: Mid-cap stocks belong to companies ranging from 101st to 250th in terms of full market capitalization.
  3. Small Cap: Stocks that belong to companies 251st and beyond in terms of full market capitalization.

1. Large-Cap Mutual Funds

Large-cap mutual funds invest in stocks of the top 100 companies in terms of full market capitalization. These are typically old and well-established companies that tend to be reputable and trustworthy and are leaders in their segments. Large-cap funds invest in companies that have strong corporate governance practices and can generate wealth slowly and steadily over the long term. These funds must invest at least 80 percent of their total assets in large-cap companies.

Large-cap funds tend to be relatively low-risk investments, suited for investors with a long-term perspective as they are considered to be steady compounders and regular dividend payers.

2. Mid-Cap Mutual Funds

Mutual funds that majorly invest in companies ranking from 101 to 250 in terms of full market capitalization are defined as mid-cap funds. Mid-cap funds must invest at least 65 percent of their total assets in equity and equity-related instruments. These funds invest in mid-cap companies that are relatively well-established and stable. They tend to be under-researched and under-followed in comparison to large-cap companies and may outperform their large-cap counterparts given time.

As mid-cap companies are usually on the lookout to expand when suitable growth opportunities present, the underlying stocks may be volatile. These funds are suitable for investors with a higher appetite for risk than large-cap investors.

Small-Cap Mutual Funds

Small-cap funds are those that invest in the 251st company onwards in terms of full market capitalization. SEBI mandates that small-cap funds should invest at least 65 percent of their total assets in equity and equity-related instruments of small-cap companies. Small-cap funds invest in companies that are relatively younger and less stable as compared to large and mid-cap companies.

As a result, they have great potential for quick returns for investors looking for aggressive growth. Consequently, they are less stable and carry a much higher risk of going out of business than any large or mid-cap companies.

To Summarize:

  Large-Cap Funds Mid-Cap Funds Small-Cap Funds
Characteristics Invest in Top 1-100 Companies Invest in companies ranked 101 – 250 Invest in companies ranked 251 and below
These funds invest in large companies that offer the potential of capital appreciation over the long term with regular dividend distribution These funds invest in mid-sized companies that offer the potential of high capital appreciation over shorter periods but carry higher investment risk These funds invest in younger (but less stable) companies with higher growth potential
Risk Level Relatively Low Risk High Risk High Risk
Least volatile More volatile than large-caps Greater volatility than large and mid-caps
Recommended For Investors with long-term perspective looking for high-quality stocks Investors with moderate risk appetite are looking to invest in businesses that have upside potential. Investors with high risk-taking ability, looking to invest in multibaggers.

Market capitalization gives investors insights into scheme characteristics and allows them to assess the risks involved. Mutual funds offer diversified and easy access to companies across various market caps. This means investors can enjoy a high degree of choice in investments while benefiting from professional portfolio management.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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