HomeTax PlanningTips to Save Income Tax for the Financial Year 2024

Tips to Save Income Tax for the Financial Year 2024

The proposals for the 2022 budget have been laid down on the table in the parliament and going by the same it seems that a lot is on offer for the country’s common man. It is quite evident from the said proposals that an individual with an income of up to Rs.7.75 lakhs can now invest in a lot of different avenues that can save them from paying tax and can reduce the taxable income from Rs.7.75 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs only.

This would mean that such an individual would not have to pay tax for the year 2022 and would save an amount of Rs.15080 compared to the previous year.

For example, let’s assume that your annual income is Rs.7.75 lakhs for the year 2022. Now you can claim a standard deduction of Rs.50000 for the year 2022 and then you can make investments under the various sections and save on your tax. As per the Income Tax Act, an individual can claim a lot of Tax deductions and exemptions under the various sections.

There are a lot of different tips that provide tax-saving avenues and these are:

1. Section 80C

As per the proposals, the maximum tax exemption limit under 80C has been retained at Rs.1.5 lakhs and the various avenues that are available under this section are Public Provident Fund, Employees Provident Fund, Five Year Bank or Post Office deposits, Kid’s Tuition Fees, Post Office Senior Citizen Scheme, Principal Repayment of Home Loan and National Pension Scheme.

2. Section 80CCC

The maximum available tax exemption limit under this section is Rs.1.5 lakhs. A contribution to an annuity plan of a Life Insurance Corporation policy for receiving a pension is considered for tax benefits under this section.

3. Section 80CCD

To claim tax benefits under this section employees can contribute to the pension schemes notified by the government of India. The contributions are limited to a certain percentage of the gross salary.

4. Section 80D

As per the proposals, the government of India has laid down changes as far as Medical Treatment and Health Insurance are concerned. Under this section, there are a lot of tax benefits for senior citizens and those who spend a lot on their medical treatments.

5. Section 80DD

An individual can claim up to Rs.75000 for the medical treatments of parents, spouses, or kids who have disability up to 40% and a tax saving of up to Rs.1.25 lakhs in case of severe disability.

6. Section 80DDB

A person who is less than 60 years old can claim tax benefits of up to Rs. 40,000 for the treatment of certain ailments and the same can be claimed on behalf of dependants also. Under this section, the tax exemption limit for Senior Citizens has now been revised to Rs. 1 lakhs. However, to claim Tax deductions under this section an individual must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate or a Prescription.

7. Section 80E

In case an individual takes a loan for higher education, the said individual can claim a tax deduction under the current section for the interest that is paid towards the said education loan. This loan must be taken for higher education for self or dependents like spouses or children. However, there is no limit on the amount of interest that can be claimed as deduction under this section and the said deduction is available for a maximum period of 8 years or till the time that the interest is paid.

Also Read: Income Tax Saving Tips for Financial Year 2022

8. Section 80EE

For home buyers who are buying a home for the first time by getting a home loan, they can claim an additional Tax deduction of up to Rs 50,000 on the payments of home loan interest under this section. However, to claim the said deduction certain criteria have to be met.

  • The sanctioning of the home loan should have been during FY 2016-17.
  • The amount of the Loan should not be more than Rs 35 Lakh.
  • The value of the house purchased should not be more than Rs 50 Lakh.
  • The person who buys the home should not have any other residential house in his name.

If an individual is eligible then an exemption of Rs. 50,000/- for interest on a home loan under section 80EE from the assessment year beginning from 1st April 2017 and subsequent years can be claimed.

9. Section 80G

If an individual contributes to a certain relief fund or a charitable institution, he or she can claim a deduction under this Section of the Income Tax Act. Deduction under this section can only be claimed when the same has been made through a cheque, a draft, or cash, and contributions such as food material, clothes, medicines, etc. do not qualify for deduction under the current section.


These are the tax-saving tips that you can look into to save yourself from paying large amounts of tax and claim exemptions. Make sure that the tax planning is done well in advance and not at the last moment. Making the right investments at the right time is crucial and this is how one can save on their taxes.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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