HomeHealth InsuranceLIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906: Health Insurance Plan

LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906: Health Insurance Plan

The LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906 is a non-linked and non-participating healthcare plan by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. It is a benefit-based insurance policy and is not comprehensive. LIC launched the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 on 19th July 2021, under the 906 plan number. It is covered under the Unique Identification Number 512N318V0 plans of LIC.

The LIC Arogya Rakshak plan is an individual health insurance plan with regular premium payment modes. One of the best things about the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 is that it gives fixed benefits separate from the actual costs incurred for treatment.

With the increasing risk to young adults’ health and general well-being, it is essential to safeguard yourself with an eminent health insurance plan like the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906. Especially with the new revisions, the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan comes with enhanced benefits.

This article covers all the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details to help you make an informed decision while investing in the plan.

Also read: LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan 904: All Details, Features, and Benefits

Eligibility for LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

The following table explains the eligibility criteria required to have a LIC Arogya Rakshak health insurance plan.

Conditions Minimum Age at Entry Maximum Age at Entry Cover ceasing Age Cover period
Principle Insured 18 years 65 years 80 years 80 (Age at entry)
Spouse/ Parents 18 years 65 years 80 years 80 (Last Birth

Day) and 70 Years (for AHC)

Children 91 days 20 Years 25 Years 25 (Age at Entry)

Note: All the entry and ceasing days are calculated from the last birthday in all the conditions.

Features of LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

Some of the popular features included under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details include:

  • The entry age to get the policy is 18 to 65 years for adults and 91 days to 20 years for children.
  • The Coverage goes from 80 years for adults and 25 years for children.
  • The principal insured or initial daily benefit varies from INR 2500 to INR 10,000 per individual under the policy.
  • The initial daily benefit is offered in multiples of INR 500
  • Hospitalization and surgery are covered under the LIC Arogya Rakshak health insurance plan.
  • You can increase the overall health coverage through the Auto Step-up benefit. This article covers the details of this feature.
  • You can enjoy a premium waiver benefit for 1 year in the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan.

Benefits of the LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

There are many benefits of LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906, which makes it one of the best plans available in the market. All the benefits are listed below:

1. Hospital Cash Benefit – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

Hospitalization resulting from an injury or sickness during the cover period is payable. Hospitalization should be at least 24 hours to avail of the Hospital Cash Benefit. The period after 24 hours, even if it exceeds a minimum of 4 hours, is calculated as one whole day.

Hospitalization in General Ward Hospitalization in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Ward Combined Non-ICU and ICU Benefits:
Applicable daily benefits Twice the Applicable The amount will depend
for a minimum of 24 Daily benefits with the on the number of days
hours and 4 hours same details as in that the patient is
  general ward admitted to each unit.

Conditions and Exclusions:

  • One can claim the Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB) only if the Hospitalization happens in India.
  • The total payable days of HCB in the first policy year remains under 30 days.
  • The total payable days of HCB in the subsequent year of policy is under 90 days.
  • The total payable days of HCB throughout the policy have to be under 900 days.

2. Major Surgical Benefits (MSB) – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

If the insured person undergoes surgery during the policy period and comes under the pre-approved list covered under the policy, the Major Surgical Benefit is provided. It exceeds the HCB by 100 times.

The portion of the HCB provided will depend on the category of the surgery as mentioned in the list that comes under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details. You should always be thorough with the list of surgeries and diseases that your health insurance covers to be able to make the right claim.

Conditions and Exclusions:

  • Surgery should take place in India.
  • In case of multiple surgeries in one session, the amount pre-approved for the most critical surgery is payable.
  • The LIC Jeevan Arogya plan 906 will cover any amount that exceeds 100% of the MSB applicable for that year.
  • The total MSB payable in the overall policy period will be at most 1000% of the MSB approved for any insured person.
  • A certified surgeon should confirm all the surgical operations that the member claims as essential.

Additional benefits under Major Surgical Benefits:

  • INR 1000 for Ambulance cover
  • In case of Major surgery benefits under Category A and Category B, the premium for the following year will be waived.
  • 100% of the MSB can be restored for surgeries that fall under a different category than the one claimed.

3. Day Care Procedure(DCP) – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

The Day care procedure in the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 is one of the best features of the plan. It means that the insured person can claim up to five times the Applicable Daily cash benefit in case of any specified Day Care Procedure.

Conditions and Exclusions for Day Care Procedure under LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906:

  • The Daycare benefit is viable only if the procedure happens in India.
  • One can only claim the DCP for 3 days in one policy year.
  • The total DCP occurring under the overall policy term should be at most 30.

4. Other Surgical Benefits – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

In case the insured goes through a surgery that neither comes under the Major Surgical Benefit nor does it come under the Day Care Procedure, then a daily benefit is provided. This daily benefit is equal to 2.5 times the Applicable Daily Benefit.

Other Surgical benefits are only provided when the inpatient hospitalization exceeds 24 hours. The maximum number of hospitalization days is 450 days for the entire policy.

5. Medical Management Benefits – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

In the LIC Arogya Rakshak health insurance plan 906, if an insured person undergoes an inpatient hospitalization due to a specific disease (as mentioned below), a lump sum cover equal to 2.5 times the applicable day benefit is payable.

The Diseases Include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Malaria
  • Dengue
  • Viral Hepatitis A
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis

6. Extended Hospitalization Benefits – LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

Under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details, the extended hospitalization benefit is one of the most important benefits.

Suppose an insured person is continuously hospitalized for more than 30 days. In that case, a lump sum amount of 10 times the applicable daily benefit is paid along with other additional benefits. This extended Hospitalization benefit is only applicable once in a policy year. However, for the entire policy term, each member insured under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 can raise 10 claims in all.

Also read: When Is The Right Time to Buy a Health Insurance Policy

Other Benefits

1. Auto step-up benefit

The auto step-up benefit is essential to the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan 906.

A recurring 15% of the Initial Daily benefit is added to the previous year’s Applicable Daily benefit after every 3rd policy year. This continues till the Applicable Daily Benefit amount becomes 1.5 times the Initial Daily Benefit.

2. No Claim Benefit

If three years go by without any claim in the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan, 5% of the initial daily cash benefit is added to the Applicable Daily Cash Benefit. This amount is added at the end of the third no-claim policy year.

3. Health Check-up

Once every three years of the policy, you can claim the actual expenses incurred during a health check-up.

An insured person can do so under the following two conditions:

  • The expenses are not more than half of the Applicable Daily benefit
  • The insured should share a copy of all the medical reports and bills.

Exclusions of LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906

Some exclusions run under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details, as mentioned below:

  • Any injury caused by war, riots, illegal acts, or military operations.
  • Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes
  • An attempt of suicide or self-inflicted injuries
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Injury caused by participating in dangerous sports like scuba diving, racing, etc
  • Plastic surgery
  • Infertility or sterilization
  • Congenital conditions
  • Treatment of STDs is not covered. Ex: AIDS and HIV
  • Dental treatment


Buying a health insurance plan is one of the first steps one should take while making financial decisions for security. To ensure that your family’s needs are met in an emergency, the LIC Arogya Rakshak health insurance plan 906 is one of the best options.

The LIC Jeevan Arogya plan provides a range of benefits that cover all the essential needs for medical emergencies. You can check all the benefits explained under the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan details and make an informed decision.

All in all, the LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 is a one-stop solution for all your health insurance needs.

LIC Arogya Rakshak Plan 906 – FAQs

Is there a waiting period for LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906?

Ans. Yes, like any other health insurance, LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 also has a waiting period. It is 90 days for Hospitalization due to surgery or sickness but none for accidental Hospitalization.

Is LIC Arogya Rakshak plan 906 cashless?

Ans. You can avail of the cashless benefit from the policy by calling the administration.

Can I buy the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan online?

Ans. Yes, you can buy the plan online. You can contact the health insurance experts at LIC or mail them on their website to get details.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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